Video Recording Baseball Cap

The Video Recording Baseball Cap Helps You Capture Those Inconspicuous Moments!
Record private events or anything you wish inconspicuously with the video recording baseball cap. This high quality baseball cap has a built in pin hole sized camera integrated into the crown of the cap and records crisp 720p high-definition videos at 30 frames-per-second. If you prefer still photos, the camera takes 1600 x 1200 still photos in JPEG format and stores both still photos and videos on a 32 GB SD card which you need to purchase separately. You can wear this cap to any event and record or take photos by simply using the three buttons on the brim of the cap which allows you to easily start or stop recording or snap a photo with just a touch while pretending to scratch your head. The baseball cap has a rechargeable battery which enables up to 70 minutes of recording after a four-hour charge via the included USB cable which can also be used to transfer videos and photos to your computer. Each video and photo taken by the pin hole sized camera is date and time stamped so you can catalog all your videos and photos chronologically. The cap comes in one size that fits all with an adjustable band, now you can spy on anything with video recording baseball cap.