UpCart All Terrain Stair Climbing Folding Cart

The UpCart All Terrain Stair Climbing Folding Cart Transports Your Goods with Ease!
When we see inventions like this it begs the question why didn’t someone think of this earlier and furthermore they are so many applications the 3-Wheel system on the UpCart All Terrain Stair Climbing Folding Cart can be applied to like suitcases. Imagine having these on your suitcase, boy would that alleviate the problem of lugging a heavy ass suitcase up and down stairs or over obstacles. Until that becomes a reality we have to settle for the three wheel stair climbing folding cart that effortlessly climbs over obstacles, up and down stairs, over curbs and anything that stands in its way. With this cart you can haul a 100 pound cabinet up five flights of stairs or your groceries, laundry or whatever else you want to bring into your home. Whether you live on the upper floors of an apartment complex or in your own private home, the UpCart 3-wheel cart will make your life less stressful and save your back from injury by making it easier for you to move things around. The Upcart patented design features a self-locking, spring assisted modular frame that collapses in a second and a three wheel chassis that improves stability and allows the cart to virtually walk or climb over curbs, stairs and other obstacles. Made of high strength aluminum alloy parts and non-marking rubber tires, the UpCart durable design is guaranteed to provide a lifetime of valuable service.