Manual of Things that Might Kill You

The Complete manual of things that might kill you – A guide to self-diagnosis for hypochondriacs!
The complete manual of things that might kill you is a guide that teaches those conscious of health all the things that may potentially cause harm even death. Its one of those manuals that is basically a guide for hypochondriacs. I for one enjoy talking about health and do my best to remain healthy and I am certain there are many who share the desire to become healthy and avoid the inevitable grim reaper of death.
But the negativity aside, the manual starts with a 14-page questionnaire called the Whiteley index that gauges the reader’s grasp of hypochondria. A score higher than 8 on the index test, indicates that you are more likely disposed to an anxiety disorder. The book continues with page after page of diseases and illness that are hard to pronounce and are categorized based on body part. Each disease listing while hard to pronounce is nonetheless, easy to understand and very convincing.
Listings of disease and illness include a very detailed description and list of health specialist that you can consult for treatment. Each illness or disease is rated from 1 to 4 with 1 being the least in terms of contagion, suffering and pain and 4 being the highest and most intense. The manual concludes with articles of terrifying worldwide health trends and detailed diagrams of all things deadly that may potentially kill you.