Strong Board Balance Board

The Strong Board Balance Board will Build Your Core Strength While Having Fun at the Same Time!
One of the main issues affecting people today is bad posture which stems primarily from a weak core. The Strong Board balance board helps to maintain good posture by strengthening your body’s balance muscles. The Strong Board allows an individual to train using their own body weight for resistance to build and strengthen the body’s stabilizing muscles. Portable and electricity free, the board can be used in the home or office at any time in any attire so you can practice balancing your body wherever you desire. The primary function of the board is to teach the user to balance his or her body on the platform that rests on four compression springs which provides great compression and 360 degree axial movements. The user simply stands on the Strong Board and uses the entire core muscles to maintain balance without stepping off the platform. Beginner users will start off by just trying to maintain balance on the board without stepping off. Advanced user will graduate to doing squats, toe stands, push-ups and other balance enhancing exercises that will strengthen the core and leg muscles. A complete workout with the Strong Board burns more calories than traditional core workouts targeting the same muscle groups. Great for personal trainers to train their clientele and physical therapists to help patients recover from accidents by first strengthening the most important muscles group in the body, the core muscles. Having a strong core can prevent injuries while doing basic chores around the home such as carrying a heavy load or an activity that requires frequent bending over. In addition to its rehabilitative and fitness qualities, the Strong Board is also a great outdoor device for all the family to enjoy. Perfect for all age groups, kids will enjoy standing on the platform and maintaining balance. Entertain and exercise your guest, the Strong Board is great for backyard parties, your guests will surely be inquisitive enough to try balancing on the board. Boost your core strength, agility, posture and prevent injury with the Strong Board, proudly made in America.