Sea Bubbles Water Taxi

The Sea Bubbles Water Taxi is the Future of Water Transportation!
When we think of city transportation, we envision thoughts of expressways, subways, trains, taxis etc. but no one thinks of water transportation. Most cities in the world are built on or near a major river, ocean, lake canal, or waterway and Sea Bubbles intends to exploit this reality with the Sea Bubbles Water Taxi. This concept water vehicle is designed to travel on waterways in a major city. It produces zero emissions and its innovative hydrodynamic design produces no waves, no water turbulence, no sea sickness or rocking motion as it skims over the surface of the water unlike traditional boats. It’s quiet, fast and produces minimal environmental impact making it ideal for large cities suffering from environmental degradation. Call it the Tesla of the water, the Sea Bubble Autonomous Water Vehicle is 100% electric and quickly recharges at the dock when not in use and travels autonomously without an operator to pre-defined destinations along the waterway at a cruising speed of 7.5 mph. The company hopes these vehicles will become a staple water transportation for major cities and towns across the world
Check it Out on Sea Bubbles