Pilates Spine Corrector

The Pilates Spine Corrector Strengthens Back Muscles and Improves Posture!
Bad posture is one of the leading causes of injury among middle age to older adults. Unnatural positions of the spine during walking, working or exercise can lead to long term injuries and debilitation. The Pilates Spine Corrector promises to strengthen the muscles around the spine and help correct bad posture and improve flexibility. Designed by Joseph Pilates, inventor of the eponymous fitness system, the P-shaped device combines a barrel and a step, with a padded top for comfort and side handles that aid balance. Simply sit, kneel, lie or lean on the spine corrector in any position you choose and stretch and strengthen the core and limbs. When posturing on the spine corrector, pressure is taken off the knees and applied to the legs to improve toning and strength. The spine corrector core focus is on the upper back where it helps to straighten the spinal column and improve overall posture. The spine corrector additional benefits while working on the upper back helps to improve lung capacity and fosters deeper breathing. For ease of use, the spine corrector comes with an instructional DVD that demonstrates more than a dozen exercises for you to do safely. Made from high quality wood with upholstered cover, the spine corrector is guaranteed to last a lifetime. Measures 27.5” length x 17.5” width x 13.5” height and weighs 29 pounds.