Modular Shipping Container Homes
Modular Shipping Container Home opens a world of possibilities for container homes!
The use of shipping containers as homes or offices has been steadily increasing as an alternative and cheaper option than building a traditional brick and mortar home. EBS Block has taken the container home to whole new dimension of modularity and portability with its ingeniously designed 20ft modular shipping container home that transforms into a spacious home with a living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom extensions. Each section of home is designed to fold out from the original 20ft container to provide a large living space with all the amenities of a conventional home. A traditional small shipping container measures only 20ft long by 8ft in height which is not conducive to a proper living space.
When insulation and interior paneling are taken into account the interior space diminishes significantly. To overcome this, the traditional way of building container homes is to join several containers together side by side and on top of each other and cutout the walls in between to create a decent living space with acceptable ceiling height. Such container configurations require significant land space to construct, city building code requirements and most of all lack of portability. EBS Block overcomes these drawbacks by creating an innovative folding design that unfolds to be 6 meters long x 8 meters wide x 3.5 meters high and provides a total live-able area of 54 square meters which includes a pull-out bathroom and kitchen on opposite sides. The folded modular system can be transported to any location you desire and opened in 5 minutes by remote control using the integrated mechanical and electrical systems.
As the unfolding process is fully automated, there is no need for any assembling or construction. The modular shipping container home is designed to adapt to harsh terrains and weather conditions and if you live in a hot climate, the EBS Block provides reduction of internal building temperature down to 80% in comparison with outside temperatures, thanks to new thermal insulating technologies used in the construction which keeps you cool in hot climates are warm in cold climates. The Modular Shipping Container home is a complete portable home that can be transported anywhere and when unfolded will provide a spacious and comfortable living space for an entire family. Choose from a wide variety of designs to fit your functionality. The EBS Block system also includes modular container offices and entertainment and event spaces.