Hickies Kids Sprinkles No-tie Elastic Shoelaces

The Hickies Kids Sprinkles No-tie Elastic Shoelaces – A Modern twist for the traditional shoelace!
Don’t you just hate tying and retying shoe laces? If you do, much more so your child who is far more active than you are. With the Hickies Kids Sprinkles No-tie Elastic Shoelaces you can put the hassle of tying shoelaces behind you and enjoy the convenience of a lace that basically ties itself. The Hickies lacing system is an upgrade from traditional shoe laces and improves the fit, aesthetics, and usability of wearing shoes for everyone not just children. In the hustle and bustle of today’s society with limited time to do anything, the last thing you want to do is waste valuable seconds tying your shoelaces. The Hickies shoelaces are designed to keep you moving and get you on the go faster than before. Whether you run, walk, dance or play through your day, you can do it more freely, more comfortably and more beautifully. The shoelaces are simple in design and made from smart materials. There are no bows to tie, no loose laces and no holding you back. Fasten once to your shoes and slip on and off every time. Instead of one lace running through all the holes in your shoe, the Hickies lace is one individual strap per pair of eyelets. Each strap conforms to the shape of your foot, expanding and contracting as you move providing comfort and support all the time you have your shoes on your feet.