Designer Cat Litter Box

Designer Cat Litter Box conceals your cat’s litter box!
Let’s face it cat litter is just unsightly and no matter how much you try to conceal it in your home it just stands out. With the Designer Cat Litter Box, you can camouflage your cat litter in a nicely designed cabinet that is not so easily distinguished from the rest of your home décor. The designer cat litter box is a side table with your cat litter tray hidden inside. A zig zag entrance conceals the cat litter and adds some mystery for your cats search for the litter. The entrance hole has the flexibility to be placed on either side of the box depending on where it can be concealed the most. The cat litter box is designed to look like a piece of furniture while concealing your cat’s poop inside. The design also keeps odor controlled and is a great alternative to open air cat litter boxes that are not only unsightly but unhealthy to have open around the home.