Cyclist Virtual Safety Lane

The Cyclist Virtual Safety Lane Keeps You Safe!
If you have ever rode a bicycle at night you know how dangerous it is to not be seen by vehicular traffic. A split second could mean the difference between life and death. The Cyclist virtual safety lane is a device that mounts to a bicycle seat post and projects two 5-milliwatt red lasers onto the ground generating a virtual bicycle lane to warn vehicular traffic of your location. The trailing 6’ long laser light on the ground provides motorists with a visual indicator of a cyclist riding on the corner of the road. The laser marks are also visible in the brightest locations and can even be seen under the glare of full headlights from over a mile away. For additional safety, five red LED lights increases visibility as a standard blinking taillight.
Our Opinion
The cyclist virtual safety lane is a must have if you ride at nights. It’s one of the most sought after safety devices for cyclists. Simply attach to your bike and head out into the night knowing with confidence that you will be seen clearly by motorists. We highly recommend this device, it simply saves lives.