Compact wood burning camping stove

The nCamp Compact wood burning camping stove is the perfect campsite stove for the avid outdoorsman!
Finally a stove that every camper will love. The nCamp Compact wood burning camping stove is the perfect outdoor stove for camping, hiking, hunting or any outdoor activity. Compact, collapsible, lightweight stainless steel design that can easily fit in your backpack and unfolds to a full table stove. No need to pack dangerous fuel into your backpack, the compact stove can burn both wood and biomass in a collapsible combustion chamber that reduces bulk and ensures quick lighting and hot burning. Set up is easy, simply unfold the stove and within minutes you will have a fire hot enough to cook and boil water. Additional small table surface for cutting veggies and meats make this stove the all in one solution to your outdoor cooking needs. Made of aluminum and stainless steel, this durable rugged outdoor stove weighs only 28 ounces.