Backyard Studypod

The Livit Studypod Provides a Way to Work Undisturbed in Your Backyard!
Need a quiet place to study, conduct your business, work or just time alone? The Livit Studypod offers you that opportunity in style. These prefabricated office or study pods can be easily set-up in your backyard providing a place for you to work without distractions. Livit could not have created this product at a better time, with many people working from home and kids not attending school, the need for quite spaces at home is more relevant than ever. The pods are designed to be placed outdoors in a garden setting to allow you the peace and tranquility of nature to do your yoga, meditation, office-work, home-work or you can use it as a bedroom. The finish is high-quality and features an entry door on one side and a tinted glass façade on the other with a desk and recessed ceiling lighting. It comes with all the latest amenities and electronic connections so you can get started working with your devices right away.
Check it Out on Livit