Aska A5S Flying Car

Flying cars will soon become a reality of transportation in the not-too-distant future. California based startup Aska has unveiled the A5S at the 2023 CES in Las Vegas. The A5S is a revolutionary flying car that will achieve up to 70 mph on land and 150 mph in the skies. It’s 100% electric and fully eVTOL with specially designed wheels that allow it to drive on a highway. In the air, a large wing and six folding rotors gives the A5S excellent handling in the roughest of conditions. Each motor is outfitted with independent batteries for redundancy in the event the main battery fails. For added safety, it’s equipped with a ballistic parachute that brings it safely to Earth. Aska will begin flight testing the A5s later in 2023 with certification expected in 2026.