Archsauna Infrared Warm Therapy Foldable Portable Sauna

The Archsauna Infrared Warm Therapy Foldable Portable Sauna!
Certainly a professional sauna would be a far better choice but can also be downright expensive. The Tuningdome Archsauna foldable portable sauna promises to bring all of the benefits of a professional sauna into the privacy and comfort of your own home. The lack of heat and coldness in joints and muscles is a major contributing factor to illness and body fat buildup. The portable half-dome foldable sauna uses far infrared ray FIR to penetrate deep into the skin and muscles allowing you to warm up and relax any part of your body that lies beneath the half-dome. The Archsauna generates heat by resonance vibration of water within skin and muscle cells and can reach maximum temperature of up to 90 degrees C (194 degrees F) in three minutes. No need to worry about skin burns, due to the infrared source of its energy and low EMF levels there is no risk of skin burns from using the Archsauna. The Archsauna brings the benefits of sauna therapy to your home and is recommended for stress relief, tighter toned skin, muscle soothing, improved blood circulation, specific health issues, body detox, pain relief, cellulite degradation and overall immunity. The Archsauna can be easily stored when not in use by folding into three pieces and can be transported using the included bag and shoulder strap.