Solar Powered Portable Shower

The Solar Powered Portable Shower Lets you Shower Anywhere!

The next time you are out hiking or camping, this solar powered portable shower will provide the convenience of taking a hot shower anywhere. This complete portable shower has a 5-gallon capacity and powered by solar technology that keeps the water warm with a built in water temperature gauge.

Made of thick reinforced durable 4-ply construction and comes with a reflector and insulator panel with an easy to use on/off shower head and extra-large valve for ease of filling. For even more convenience two side pockets store your soap and shampoo and Velcro straps hold your washcloths. The solar powered portable shower is the size of a backpack and weighs 1 pound 4 ounces unfilled.

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This speaks for itself, for those who like the great outdoors and like to go hiking or camping this remarkable piece of technology is a must have. Nothing is more annoying hiking or camping for days without warm water to take a shower. With this portable outdoor shower you can easily fill up let it warm up and take a shower anywhere you like, highly recommended.

What’s the Cost? $29.95

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