100 Deadly Skills: The Complete and Practical Survival Guide!

100 Deadly Skills: The Complete and Practical Survival Guide!
In today’s world, the chances of being in dangerous life-threatening situations are becoming increasingly possible. In a world marred with terrorism, mass shootings, kidnappings and a litany of other violent crimes, it is essential that you equip yourself with the knowledge and skills that may very well save your life and protect your family. Written by retired Navy SEAL Clint Emerson; 100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative’s Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving Any Dangerous Situation is a complete guide of reliable information that will help you to survive the dangers of the modern world. This hands on practical survival guide is adapted for civilians use from actual special operations procedures and tactics to help you elude pursuers, evade capture and survive life-threatening situations. 100 Deadly Skills contains proven self-defense skills, evasion tactics and immobilization maneuvers from the world of black ops to help you to take action in numerous “worst case” scenarios from escaping a locked trunk, to making an improvised Taser, to tricking facial recognition software and much more. The book is written to be easily read with easy-to-understand instructions and illustrations that outlines in detail many life-saving techniques and strategies while teaching you how to think and act like a “special ops” personnel. Learn how to prevent tracking, evade kidnapping, elude an active shooter, rappel down the side of a building, immobilize an assailant, protect yourself from cyber criminals and a host of other life-saving information that makes this the most complete survival guide on the planet available to civilians. This book is an invaluable resource in an increasingly dangerous world where the safety of yourself and your family are daily at risk.