The No Blind Spot Rear View Mirror Keeps you Safe While Driving
Blind-spots doesn’t have to be blind anymore with this 180 degree field of view standard interior no blind spot rear view mirror that provides a distortion-free reflection of rear traffic across an entire five-lane highway. Used by law enforcement and ...
Portable Automotive Jump Starter Never Leaves you Stranded.
Never get stranded on the corner of the road with a dead battery again. Over the years portable automotive jump starter have become smaller due to advances in battery technology. Now you don’t have to lug around a 39lb jump starter in the trunk of your car ...
The Portable Smartphone Photo Printer lets you Print on the Go.
Now you can print your photos or business receipts from the palm of your hands in full color with the portable smartphone photo printer. This is the palm-sized wireless printer that prints pictures from a smartphone. The printer stores unobtrusively ...
Never Go Without it - The One Year Smartphone Backup Battery 2400mAH
How would you like to charge a battery once a year and have it available as an emergency power source whenever you want it for the entire year? Enter the one year smartphone backup battery 2400mAH. Most rechargeable batteries lose power within ...
The Smartphone and Tablet Virtual Keyboard For People on the Go!
For those with man thumbs too large to type on the keyboard of your smart phone or tablet this device is for you. This Bluetooth Smartphone and Tablet virtual keyboard projects a laser-generated keyboard onto any flat, opaque surface, providing an ...
The NASA Sleep Promoting Light Bulb, Never Have a Sleepless Night
For those who suffer from insomnia or trouble falling asleep while in bed the NASA sleep promoting light bulb is worth examining. Developed and used by NASA to help Astronauts sleep in space, the wavelengths given off by this light bulb encourages ...
The iphone5 Case with Cord Management, never lose your cord again.
If you are like the majority of people who use smart phones and carry earphones to listen to music or whatever on the go, you are familiar with the headache of storing your earphones. Putting them in your bag you are guaranteed to lose them among ...